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Perth Home Air Specialist

5 Energy Efficiency Tips for Perth Air Conditioning

So, you’re thinking about installing an air conditioner to keep your home cozy in winter and cool in summer. It’s exciting to imagine never shivering through a cold Perth storm or melting in the Perth summer heat again.

But before you start cranking up the thermostat and turning your living room into a sauna (or an icebox, depending on the season), it’s worth understanding how much energy your air con will consume and how it will impact your bills. Yes, that’s right!

Heating and cooling typically account for around 40% of energy use in the average Australian home. The good news is that you can reduce your electricity costs and carbon footprint with a few simple adjustments, giving a little love back to the planet. Langler Air has put together five energy-saving tips to help you manage your air conditioning efficiently and keep those energy bills in check.

1. Choose Energy-Efficient Systems

Perth Aircon Choose Energy-Efficient Systems

When selecting an air conditioning system, you must prioritise energy efficiency. Look for reverse-cycle air conditioners, which can heat and cool your home using less energy than separate heating and cooling units. Check the Energy Star rating of any system you’re considering – higher ratings indicate more significant energy efficiency and potential cost savings on your utility bills.

Reverse Cycle Air Conditioners

Savvy homeowners opt for reverse-cycle air conditioners as an energy-efficient solution for year-round comfort. These systems, popular in Perth for ducted airconditioning and split system installations, convert one unit of electricity into three to six times the heating or cooling energy. You’ll enjoy ideal climate control while reducing energy costs. Mitsubishi and other top brands offer reliable options for both residential and commercial spaces, ensuring you’re part of a community prioritising efficiency and comfort.

Energy Star Ratings

Five key factors determine an air conditioner’s energy efficiency rating: the Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER), Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER), Coefficient of Performance (COP), Annual Energy Efficiency Ratio (AEER), and Energy Star certification. When choosing your air conditioner, prioritise models with high energy star ratings. These units will provide superior efficiency and long-term cost savings. Look for the Energy Star label to guarantee you’re getting a top-performing system.

2. Optimal Temperature Settings

Perth Aircon Optimal Temperature Settings

You’ll want to set your air conditioner to ideal temperatures for each season to maximise energy efficiency. In summer, aim for 24-26°C when you’re at home and awake, raising it a few degrees when you’re away or asleep. During winter, set your thermostat to 20 -22°C) when you’re awake and lower it while sleeping or away to save on heating costs.


When summer temperatures soar, it’s tempting to crank up your air conditioning to the max. However, setting your AC too low can significantly increase your energy consumption. For ideal efficiency, it does sit around 25°C in Perth. This temperature range balances comfort with energy savings. Remember, each degree you lower the setting below can increase your energy use by 5-10%. You’ll stay cool while keeping costs under control.


Winter’s chill often prompts homeowners to crank up their heating systems, which can lead to excessive energy consumption. Set your air conditioner’s heating mode to 21°C in Perth to balance comfort and efficiency. This temperature range keeps you warm without overworking your system.

3. Regular Maintenance

A well-maintained air conditioner is the key to efficient cooling and long-term savings. You’ll want to schedule regular servicing to keep your system running smoothly. This includes cleaning or replacing filters, which can significantly impact performance. Don’t forget to have a professional check for potential issues that could reduce efficiency. By staying on top of maintenance, you’re ensuring ideal cooling, extending your unit’s lifespan, and keeping energy costs down.

4. Smart Usage and Features

You can significantly improve your air conditioner’s energy efficiency by leveraging innovative usage features. Programmable smart zone thermostats and timers allow you to automatically adjust temperature settings based on your schedule, reducing unnecessary cooling when you’re away or asleep. Zone control systems enable you to cool only occupied areas of your home, further minimising energy waste and maximising comfort where needed most.

Programmable Thermostats and Timers

Programmable thermostats and timers are potent tools for optimising your air conditioning system’s efficiency. You’ll gain precise control over when your AC operates, ensuring it runs only when necessary. Set schedules that align with your daily routine adjusting temperatures automatically for times you’re away or asleep. You’ll reduce energy waste and lower your bills while maintaining comfort.

Zone Control

Beyond programmable thermostats, zone control systems offer an advanced level of customisation for your air conditioning. You can cool or heat only the areas you use, significantly reducing energy waste. This smart feature allows you to create comfort zones throughout your home, tailoring temperatures to individual preferences. Focusing on occupied spaces will save money and energy while maintaining ideal comfort.

Check out our i-zone controllers and pair them with room-by-room thermostats for climate control. When the i-zone hits the required temperature, the air will back off, saving you money.

5. Improve Insulation and Airflow

Perth Aircon Improve Insulation and Airflow

Two critical factors in maximising your air conditioning’s efficiency are proper insulation and ideal airflow. Ensure your home is well-insulated, sealing gaps around windows and doors. This prevents cool air from escaping and hot air from entering. Improve airflow by keeping vents unobstructed and regularly cleaning or replacing air filters.

Talk to Perth Air Conditioning Experts – Langler Air

Talk to Perth Air Conditioning Experts - Langler Air

For expert guidance on air conditioning solutions in Perth, only come to Langler Air. We’re Perth’s go-to aircon specialists with over 30 years of experience and 10,000+ installations. As a Mitsubishi Electric Diamond Dealer, we’ll provide you with the best system for your needs. Our owner-run business, led by Mike, offers a hand-picked team of professionals who’ve worked together for over a decade, ensuring you’ll receive unparalleled service and expertise. Contact us here today.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do Solar Panels Affect Air Conditioning Energy Consumption?

Solar panels can substantially reduce your air conditioning energy consumption. They generate electricity to power your AC, lowering your reliance on the grid. You’ll see decreased energy bills and a smaller carbon footprint while enjoying cool comfort.

Can Ceiling Fans Complement Air Conditioning for Better Energy Efficiency?

Yes, you can use ceiling fans to complement your air conditioning for better energy efficiency. They’ll circulate cool air more effectively, allowing you to raise your thermostat setting. This reduces your AC’s workload, saving energy and lowering your bills.

What’s the Impact of Window Tinting on Air Conditioning Performance?

Window tinting can greatly boost your air conditioning’s performance. You’ll notice reduced heat gain, lower cooling costs, and improved comfort. It blocks up to 80% of solar heat, allowing your system to work more efficiently and maintain your desired temperature.

How Does Perth’s Climate Influence Air Conditioner Energy Efficiency Ratings?

Perth’s hot, dry summers and mild winters greatly impact your AC’s efficiency ratings. You’ll find units designed for this climate perform better, with higher star ratings reflecting their ability to cool effectively while using less energy.


You now have the tools to make your Perth air conditioning more energy-efficient. You’ll cut costs and stay cool by choosing the right system, setting ideal temperatures, maintaining your unit, using smart features, and improving insulation. Remember, small changes can lead to big savings. For expert advice tailored to your home’s specific needs, don’t hesitate to contact Perth Air Conditioning Experts at Langler Air. We’ll help you implement these strategies effectively. Visit our website here.